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‘Avebury Initiation’ Mala
‘Avebury Initiation’ Mala
‘Avebury Initiation’ Mala
‘Avebury Initiation’ Mala
‘Avebury Initiation’ Mala
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‘Avebury Initiation’ Mala

Regular price £95.00

Whether you have been to Avebury or not this MALA is a magical piece made by Donna, right here - in the centre of the Sacred Avebury Stone Circle in Wiltshire.

People are drawn to Avebury from all over the world, in their droves! It's a fascinating place full of Ancient Magic, Ancestry and Archeological history. 

108 crystal beads, each bringing meaning, each bringing energy. The Mala is a journey through time, space, and elements, encircling you with life-affirming spirit. Each knot tied with guidance from spirit, set with an intention and bound to the Guru bead that holds your prayers and hopes for a life to be lived with purpose. 

The transmission that came through whilst Donna made the Mala will also be included as a hand written note and is as follows:

'Avebury Initiation'

Go within, feel the beat of your heart as it recognises the calling from the ancients, like a drum gently beating inside of you!

This MALA, created within the Avebury Ancient Stone Circle initiates the magic within you to recall your ancestors and all of their knowledge back to you. 

The Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit are bound together in the MALA with the six directions - North, East, South, West, Above & Below... as they have always been!

Do you remember? Remember who you were? Feel the ancient drum beat through your soul and allow it to bring you back home!

JASPER PROPERTIES: Nurturing, supporting, problem solving, shamanic journeying, protecting, grounding, balancing yin and yang

Jasper has many varieties. Providing protection and grounding energies, it absorbs negative energy and cleanses and aligns the chakras and the aura.  Each colour is appropriate to a specific chakra. Jasper balances yin and yang and aligns the physical, emotional and mental bodies with the etheric realm.  It clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution including radiation, and aids dowsing. This stone supports during times of stress, bringing tranquillity. Combining organisational abilities with imagination, it brings hidden problems to light helping to find new coping strategies and assist in seeing projects through. It facilitates shamanic journeys and dream recall, during which its grounding qualities are helpful.

Jasper unifies all aspects of your life.  It supports during necessary conflict and reminds humanity to aid each other.  Jasper imparts determination to all pursuits and encourages honesty with oneself. Physically, Jasper prolongs sexual pleasure.  It supports during prolonged illness or hospitalisation and reenergizes the body. Jasper knives instantly cut through and remove ties. Dissolving old patterns, they help the etheric blueprint reconstruct to a more appropriate configuration.

LABRADORITE PROPERTIES: Protecting, balancing the rational mind with intuitive wisdom, calming over-active mind, connecting with universal energies, stimulating psychic gifts and intuition, transforming, banishing fears

Labradorite has iridescent layers of colours that reflect when turned and can take you into another world or into other lives where you can access esoteric knowledge, enhance intuition and clear emotional debris. It supports through change, imparts strength and perseverance, strengthens faith in oneself and trust in the universe. This stone brings up suppressed memories from the past, dispels illusions, going to the root of a matter and showing the intention behind thoughts and actions. Its reflective qualities make it an excellent protector, keeping others’ energies out – wear it as a pendant in group or healing situations. Labradorite pulls in spiritual power, raises consciousness and connects with universal energies. It aligns the physical and etheric bodies, accesses spiritual purpose, balances the rational mind with intuitive wisdom, calms an over-active mind and brings in new ideas. A stone of transformation, it prepares body and soul for the ascension process. Spectrolite is a higher vibration of Labradorite.

GARNET PROPERTIES: Energising, enhancing sexuality, stimulating passion, controlling anger, turning a crisis into an opportunity, strengthening survival instinct, dissolving outdated behaviour patterns

Red Garnet removes inhibitions and taboos, stimulates passion and increases your sexual potency. It has long been a symbol of love and devotion, opening up the heart and bestowing self confidence In particular, it stimulates the controlled rise of kundalini energy and aids potency.   It revitalizes feelings and is a powerfully energising stone whilst conversely, it can bring you serenity.  This stone controls anger, especially towards one’s self and helps in challenging situations, especially if you feel helpless.  It strengthens your survival instinct, instils fortitude and turns a crisis into an opportunity. Garnet dissolves ingrained behaviour patterns that are no longer serving you, assists you to release outdated ideas and plan for the future.

Garnet cleanses and re-energises the chakras.  It is said to be able to warn of approaching danger and was carried as a protective talisman. Garnet activates other crystals, amplifying their effect and has a strong link with the pituitary gland. It sharpens up your perceptions of yourself and other people and can stimulate expanded awareness and past life recall.

Square cut Garnets are said to ensure success in business.

*please note the stones used in this MALA are not sarsen stones from Avebury. We would never take sacred stones from Avebury as this would not be fortunate for the wearer.

This lovely Mala comes with its own pouch for travel and to be kept in when you are not wearing it.

Please note - all the Mala are handmade when they are ordered so there will be some slight differences in the stones used in the photos.

If you like what you see and would prefer to have a Mala made just for you - please visit us here or send us an email to for more information or to discuss your requirements.

All our crystal meanings have been taken from Judy Hall who kindly granted Elements of Avebury permission to use them. For further information Judy Hall has released several books including The Crystal Bible series. 

Please note crystals and their meanings are not a substitute for the advice of a doctor. If you have symptoms that you are concerned about, please seek medical advice. 

As each Mala is individually handmade from when we receive the request, we are unable to accept Next Day Delivery on Malas and appreciate your patience.